Tajikistan ahead of CIS countries in terms of birth rates

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Tajikistan has taken the lead among the CIS countries in terms of population growth. Over the past 30 years, the country's population has almost doubled, Mir24 reports.

In the past five years, the birth rate in the maternity hospital of the Tajik capital, Dushanbe, has increased by 80%. This trend is observed throughout the country, with an average population growth of 200 thousand people per year.

"This is evident from the data of the center. Previously, we served up to five thousand births per year, and currently, 11,883 are registered," said Shakhodat Muminova, the deputy director for scientific work at the Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology of Tajikistan.

As of today, Tajikistan has a population of 10,277,000 people, with more than half being males. In the country, there are 110 boys born for every 100 girls. In terms of population growth rate, Tajikistan has emerged as a leader within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), with the country having the youngest population in the CIS, where 71% of the population is under the age of 30.

"The main mass is 41% - our children up to 17-18 years old. The median age of the population in the country is about 24 years," noted Abduali Nabizoda, the head of the Department of Demographic Statistics, Employment of the Population, and Social Statistics at the Statistics Agency under the President of Tajikistan.

Experts believe that the tradition of creating large families is being revived in Tajikistan.

"I am a happy mother of five children. I have four daughters and one son. In my parents' family, it was the opposite; I was alone with four brothers. I am also a happy grandmother of seven grandchildren. It's a tremendous joy," mentioned Farhunda Fayzullaeva, a resident of Dushanbe.

Life expectancy has also increased. In recent years, it has almost doubled in Tajikistan, reaching 75 years for men and 78 years for women.


March 12, 2024