Tajikistan and UN discuss issue of cooperation on religion

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Director of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Tajikistan Khayridin Usmonzoda and UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief Nazila Ghani discussed the prospects for cooperation on the issue of religion in Dushanbe, Avesta reports.

It was noted that the Constitution of Tajikistan defines the foundations of the constitutional structure of the state and acts as the main source of the legal system of Tajikistan. Its norms are the main legal basis for all spheres of the country, including in the sphere of religion.

It was also emphasized that the free definition of a person's attitude to religion directly follows from the first article of the Constitution of Tajikistan, which proclaimed Tajikistan a secular state. The secular essence of the state is to ensure the peaceful coexistence of religions and the state.

According to the Constitution of Tajikistan, "everyone has the right to independently determine their attitude to religion, to profess or not to profess religion separately or jointly with others, to participate in religious ceremonies and rituals."

The country recognizes the equality of all religions and confessions, and there are no restrictions on the peaceful activities of religion, worship, rituals and ceremonies.

The parties also discussed the prospects for cooperation in the field of freedom of religion and belief in the region and the world.


April 13, 2023