Tajikistan climbs 9 positions in ranking of prosperous countries

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Tajikistan has been included in the global ranking of the world's most prosperous countries, the HelloSafe Prosperity Index 2024. According to the index, the country moved up nine positions to take 104th place, reports the Halva.tj portal.

The HelloSafe ranking evaluated 186 countries based on a set of criteria, including economic, social, and environmental development indicators, aiming to go beyond rankings based solely on measures of gross wealth such as GDP or GNI.

Tajikistan scored a total of 30.93 points. The country surpassed Kyrgyzstan (114th place, 29.36 points) but fell behind Turkmenistan (103rd place, 31.03 points), Kazakhstan (49th place, 47.36 points), and Russia (50th place, 46.69 points).

Earlier, it was reported that Tajikistan received an award for the best natural landscapes in Asia. This study was conducted by one of the most prestigious media resources in Southeast Asia, the Top 10 of Asia magazine.

December 23, 2024