Tajikistan identified main problems in geology

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Timely and high-quality conduct of geological research and the fulfillment of tasks set before Tajikistan's industry depend on the level of technical readiness, stated the leadership of the Main Geological Administration under the government of Tajikistan, Asia Plus reports.

"Most of the equipment and machinery of the structural units of the Main Geological Administration, although partially operational, are old and worn out," the report on the activities of this agency for the years 2018-2023 states.

In the report, adopted by the resolution of the Tajikistan government on March 1, 2024, regular updating of equipment, vehicles, and earthmoving machinery is proposed.

Moreover, it is noted that the final result of geological exploration works depends on the proper selection and accurate examination of samples.

The report mentions that three laboratories are operating within the industry's structure, which need to be equipped with modern testing instruments and equipment.

Furthermore, the leadership of Tajikistan's Main Geological Administration suggests reviewing the training of specialists in the field of geology and mining industry in the educational institutions of secondary and vocational education in the country.

There is a need to adapt existing educational programs to the modern requirements of the geological industry of the country and to expand its connections with the industry.

Geology is the foundation of the mining industry for Tajikistan, which, along with hydropower and mountain tourism, is considered by the government of the country as a priority direction for economic development.

Tajikistan is considered a "unique and richest repository of mineral resources."

The country has explored over 400 deposits containing about 40 types of mineral raw materials, including fuel, ore, and non-metallic minerals.

In terms of reserves of copper, silver, gold, lead, zinc, bismuth, strontium, antimony, tungsten, natural gas, coal, and mineral waters, Tajikistan ranks among the leading countries in the world.


April 2, 2024