Turkmenistan to present Arkadag at World smart cities Expo in Seoul

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The Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the city of Arkadag, D. Orazov, announced the start of the construction of social and industrial infrastructure facilities as part of the second phase of the first "smart" city in the region, reports the state news agency TDH.

It was also announced that a delegation from Turkmenistan will soon travel to the World Smart City Expo in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The exhibition pavilion will showcase the capabilities of the city of Arkadag, which are based on computer and smart technologies. During the visit, which will last from September 1 to 7, meetings with Korean medical equipment manufacturers and visits to specialized factories are planned.

The city of Arkadag, built on the "smart city" concept, is expected to meet high standards of quality and environmental sustainability. The Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty emphasized the importance of combining advanced architectural trends with national architectural traditions in the new buildings.

The Republic of Korea is an important partner for Turkmenistan, and the King Sejong Korean Educational Center operates in Ashgabat. Including representatives from relevant organizations and students in the delegation highlights the importance of international cooperation and youth development.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, noted that such events open up great opportunities for youth and contribute to strengthening international partnerships.

August 28, 2024