Up to quarter of harvested fruits and vegetables disappear in Central Asian countries - ADB

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Key components of food value chains, including food storage and processing services, are still underdeveloped in most Central Asian countries, according to an Asian Development Bank article on food security in the CAREC region, Akchabar reports.

As a result, the countries of the region generally lose up to 25% of harvested fruits and vegetables.

"Countries in the region can address these shortcomings by creating an enabling business environment that encourages the private sector to invest in facilities and services vital to food supplies," the article says.

The authors of the publication emphasize that it is important that governments improve strategic planning and zoning of production, develop public infrastructure and secure land ownership for primary farming and post-harvest processing.

“It is also important to provide transparent incentives for private sector enterprises and protect their assets after investment,” the article elaborates.


March 2, 2023