Uzbekistan and Russia intend to decommission nuclear facilities

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The relevant scientific institutions of Russia and Uzbekistan have signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of decommissioning of nuclear facilities and waste management, reports.

The work will be carried out by the Russian company TVEL, which is part of the structure of Rosatom, and the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.

The key and priority area of ​​cooperation will be the implementation of a project to decommission one of the buildings, as well as a low-level waste storage facility located on the territory of the institute in Tashkent, with the preliminary organization of the extraction of radioactive waste.

The parties also intend to jointly participate in the implementation of projects to eliminate nuclear legacy in the CIS. "TVEL" is the base organization of the CIS countries on the issues of decommissioning, management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.

The Institute of Nuclear Physics of Uzbekistan also has a number of competencies in the field of nuclear backend, which can be in demand when implementing initiatives not only in Uzbekistan, but also in other countries of the region.

"The Institute of Nuclear Physics has high-level competencies in the field of complex engineering and radiation surveys, analysis, assessment and justification of the safety of decommissioning and radioactive waste management. An agreement was reached that the applied tasks and existing capabilities of the institute in the field of nuclear backend will be taken into account in the formation of work plans for the base organization of the CIS,” said Natalia Nikipelova, President of TVEL.

The Institute of Nuclear Physics has a powerful scientific and technical infrastructure, including the WWR-SM research reactor, a cyclotron, a linear accelerator, a gamma-ray facility and a neutron generator, which are used to carry out fundamental and applied scientific research.

Earlier in 2022, during substantive expert discussions at the site of the institute, Rosatom specialists and colleagues from Uzbekistan considered and identified opportunities for optimizing approaches to waste management, as well as promising projects in which support from the CIS base organization and Rosatom State Corporation the most in demand.

November 23, 2022