Positive balance in migration fixed in Kazakhstan

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For the first time in 10 years, Kazakhstan has recorded a positive migration balance due to its geopolitical position and migration policy measures. This was announced by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Kazakhstan, Tamara Duisenova, TASS reports.

"The current geopolitical situation and measures taken within the framework of the implementation of the migration policy concept have resulted in a positive migration balance for the first time in the last 10 years," Duisenova said at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kazakhstan.

"Mainly, foreigners are arriving for permanent residence from CIS countries, China, and Mongolia," she clarified. Among them, there has been an increase in the proportion of specialists with technical, economic, pedagogical, and medical education.

The main direction in Kazakhstan's migration policy, according to the minister, is educational immigration, "the goal of which is to position Kazakhstan as a regional educational hub."

According to data from the National Statistics Bureau of Kazakhstan, in January - March, the number of foreigners arriving in Kazakhstan was 7,680, while the number leaving the country was 2,664. The share of arrivals from CIS countries reaches 90%. The statistics do not specify from which Commonwealth countries the highest number of people arrived in Kazakhstan.

Earlier, the head of the Migration Committee of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Kazakhstan, Ilyas Ispanov, reported that since the beginning of 2022, around 3 million Russians had arrived in Kazakhstan, mainly for transit purposes. By the end of 2022, there were fewer than 300,000 Russians in the republic, according to Ispanov.


August 9, 2023