ШОС признала референдум в Узбекистане демократичным

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The observation mission of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization recognizes the constitutional referendum in Uzbekistan as open, transparent and democratic, the organization's Secretary General Zhang Ming said, RIA Novosti reported.

Citizens of Uzbekistan on Sunday voted on a draft law on the country's constitution in a new edition, which provides for the extension of the term of office of the President of Uzbekistan from 5 to 7 years, strengthening other branches of government and increasing the role of citizens in the process of governing the state. According to the CEC of Uzbekistan, the turnout for the plebiscite was 84.54% of the total number of voters, or more than 16.6 million people, of which 90.21%, or more than 15 million, voted for the updated constitution.

"We did not see violations of the law. The mission recognizes the referendum as open, transparent and democratic," Zhang Ming said at a briefing on Monday.

According to the SCO Secretary General, "the necessary conditions have been created in Uzbekistan for holding a referendum, they corresponded to the requirements of the country's electoral legislation and the country's international obligations."


May 1, 2023