Speakers of parliaments of Central Asian countries gather in southern Kazakhstan

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The first Inter-Parliamentary Forum of Central Asian States will be held in the South Kazakhstan city of Turkestan on February 9-10, 2023, Kazakh Foreign Ministry spokesman Aibek Smadiyarov said, Zakon.kz reports.

"The event is held as part of the implementation of the agreements reached following the results of the Fourth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia in July 2022 in the city of Cholpon-Ata. Speakers and deputies of the legislative bodies of the Central Asian states are expected to participate in the upcoming Inter-Parliamentary Forum."

He added that the forum will allow launching the process of creating an additional platform for strengthening interstate cooperation through the legislative bodies of the Central Asian countries.

On July 20-21, 2022, a consultative meeting of the heads of state of Central Asia was held in Cholpon-Ata, which was attended by all five presidents of the region.


February 6, 2023