Uzbek leader ready to personally guarantee success of foreign investors

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The second international investment forum began its work in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, reports.

Expected. that the forum will be attended by 2 500 representatives of business, banking and international organizations. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke at the opening of the Forum and said:

We accept your visit to our hospitable land as a sign of respect for our country and confidence in our reforms. Now dangerous processes and unpredictable changes reign in the international arena, which have become a serious test for the world economy.

The authorities of Uzbekistan are trying to resist this and improve the investment climate, maintain stability in the country, the President of Uzbekistan said.

We continue systemic reforms aimed at further liberalizing the economy of our country, opening a wide path for business, strengthening the rule of law and legal guarantees in this regard, Mirziyoyev continued.

He stressed that the most convenient fiscal system in Central Asia has been created in Uzbekistan, great changes have been made in taxation, big steps are being taken in terms of guaranteed protection of investors' rights in court, any uncertainties that arise will be resolved in favor of investors.

In 2023, Uzbekistan plans to continue reforms to protect the rights of entrepreneurs. In particular, for the first time in the history of the country, the International Commercial Court will be opened with the support of foreign experts.

Mirziyoyev addressed foreign investors and stated that he was ready to personally guarantee their success in Uzbekistan.

I want to communicate more with foreign companies and entrepreneurs. Your ideas, suggestions and initiatives give me strength and encourage new reforms. I am ready to hold frequent meetings with new investors and personally guarantee success in our country, President Mirziyoyev said.

Returning to the topic of unpredictability in the global economy, the president noted that investors would find the most important thing in Uzbekistan - peace and stability.

Earlier it was reported that the president announced the transformation of the transport system, and also asked foreign investors to take an active part in the upcoming changes.

Uzbekistan has already begun to remake the legislation to comply with WTO norms. Shavkat Mirziyoyev replied that he would grant accession to the World Trade Organization.

On April 30, a referendum on the adoption of a new Constitution of Uzbekistan will be held in Uzbekistan.

April 27, 2023